5 Tips For Charging Lithium Polymer Batteries

5 Tips For Charging Lithium Polymer Batteries

Talking about charging Li-Polymer batteries, we decided to list our 5 tips for charging Li-Polymer batteries. Now because almost all drones use lithium polymer batteries (LiPo), only lithium polymer batteries are discussed in this article.

1. First make sure you are using the correct charger.

Charge any polymer lithium battery at 1C, almost all drone lithium batteries can be charged at 1C and should be charged at that rate. 1C charging does take a bit of time, but this charging speed is the easiest for your lithium battery charger and won’t cause overheating. This charging rate will give your battery the longest life possible, letting the balance port do its job. For example, a 3400mAh battery charging at 1C sets the charger to a 3.4 amp charge rate.
Both the battery and the battery pack are charged in a fireproof bag during charging, and I don’t see any reason why the battery should not be charged in a fireproof bag. If your charger comes with a temperature probe, be sure to put it in the bag. If everything is packed in a fireproof bag, you can easily and complete the charging.

2. Don’t let your battery go below the minimum voltage.

It’s a flight issue, not a charging issue, but it needs to be addressed. When flying, try not to let the battery drain until the speed control starts to turn off, unless you replace it. Then you have more time, more power until you land the drone. This avoids drone fried chicken, and you can control the minimum speed cutoff, set above the minimum voltage of the battery pack to allow some extra time to set the landing. I like to time my first flight until the speed control cuts off and then set my timer for a minute before the launcher and on all voyages after that I find that the launcher timer is off as soon as I land mine drone.

3. An accident will happen unless the manufacturer’s battery allows it.

Charge the battery above 1C, if the battery is using a higher charge rate, this can save a lot of time when needed. Try not to charge these batteries with a higher rating if you don’t need to. But other than that, I always use the slower rate at home because it increases battery life.

4. Please don’t leave the room when your battery is on the charger.

This is a mistake almost everyone makes, and the number one safety issue when charging. This prevents any minor accident from becoming a major event if not leaving the room. When you are not in the room, while charging, a fire can happen at any time. While charging, you need to be there to monitor your battery. If you must leave the room, stop the charger and disconnect the battery from the charging cable. Then when you go back to the room to charge again.

5. What if your battery has not been used for more than a week, then please charge your batteries, this will keep them balanced and stable.

Storing charge prevents individual cells from becoming unstable and out of balance. I almost always charge my battery and then fully charge it the night before.