Entries by Nuranu

Why 18650 Lithium Batteries Are Burning Or Exploding

1. Internal short circuit: Structural or process defects lead to the insertion of the tabs, too little excess diaphragm wrapping, burrs, and diaphragm discounts, etc. The insertion of the tabs often occurs in the structure of thick batteries and internal parallel connection, and the insulation of the tabs is not in place. Adding a protective […]

18650 Lithium Ion Battery Vs Lithium Polymer Battery

Among the most significant differences between an 18650 lithium ion battery and a lithium polymer one is the amount of energy they can store. The former has a lower self-discharge rate than a polymer battery, which means it won’t go flat when you are not using it. However, the disadvantage of this battery type is […]

The Relationship Between Lithium Battery Voltage and Power Capacity

The relationship between voltage and power capacity of lithium batteries is a complicated one. The answer depends on the material used to make the battery. The electrodes have varying thickness, which affects their discharge rates. Smaller particles of active materials are used to improve rate performance. Higher concentration of lithium salt in the electrolyte can […]

The Right Charging Method For 18650 Lithium Batteries

The proper charging method for your 18650 lithium battery depends on the capacity of the cell. The datasheet for this cell recommends that you use a constant current charge of 1250 mA at 4.2 V. When the current drops below 50 mA, you should cut off the charge. A fast charge uses a constant voltage […]

How to Correct Use of 18650 Lithium Batteries

In order to avoid causing damage to your battery, you must learn how to use an 18650 lithium battery properly. It is critical to remember that this battery is not like an AA or AAA battery. If the chemistry is damaged, it can lead to a wide range of bad things, including the flow of […]

How Long Can an Electric Scooter With 48V 15A Lithium Battery Last

A good electric scooter battery should provide enough power to get you from one place to another. The scooter battery has a supporting role in the overall power output of the electric scooter. The motor is the main component of the scooter, but the battery should not be overly powerful and can limit the range […]